Warborne Gamers Club


Warborne Gamers Club
Entoyment, Unit 2, Fleetsbridge Industrial Estate, Poole, Dorset, BH17 7AF
Warborne Gamers Club:
Games, Models, Events.

The High Elves won all their battles during the Final and won the best Themed Army Award

The Wood Elves who were undefeated in the tournament up to the finals day finally fell to their first defeat, however the they won their three other battles to secure big points for the team

The Lizardmen did very well in the final and battled with honour and fairness, which was rewarded during the presentation and awards ceremony

The Skaven won every battle during the Finals to secure maximum points for the team

The Prize for the most sporting player went to Dark Shard and his Lizard Men. WELL DONE!

The Captain's High Elves won the best themed army for the back story he created for them. WELL DONE

Well Done Team Warborne Fantasy!!!!

The team are joined by Piccolo, who represented Warborne in the Semi-Final and helped them reach the Final. Special mention also goes to The Zilock, who represented Warborne in round 1!

Barry's Arachnid (painted expertly by Wendy), who enjoys dining on Vampires and giving piggy backs to his Goblin mates.

This Model of Araloth was Painted by Chopper and came second in the Poole Games Workshop Birthday Painting Competition 2015

Matt's Mannfred.

Congratulations to Akor who finished 4th in the 2014. He is the highest placed member of Warborne Gamers Club and will be Captain of the 40K Team for 2014 & 2015. Piccolo & Boieo, who arranged the tournament presented the prizes. -Please note that due to child protection we do not post U18's faces on the website so they are replaced with Smileys.

Well done Kevin for your 3rd place finish. Look out for Kevin's Victory dance, which will be published soon! Piccolo & Boieo, who arranged the tournament presented the prizes. -Please note that due to child protection we do not post U18's faces on the website so they are replaced with Smileys.

Well done Simon for your 2nd place finish. Piccolo & Boieo, who arranged the tournament presented the prizes. -Please note that due to child protection we do not post U18's faces on the website so they are replaced with Smileys.

Congratulations to Andy who won the Commander's shield for the year, a Warborne Polo Shirt and the top prize money! Piccolo & Boieo, who arranged the tournament presented the prizes. -Please note that due to child protection we do not post U18's faces on the website so they are replaced with Smileys.

Andy's Orcs line up against Simon's Tau forces.

The Orcs defeat the Tau and Andy is the 2014 Warborne 40K Champion

Kevin's Daemons prepare for Battle against Akor's Eldar Knights

Akor's Eldar forces suffer a narrow defeat to Kevin's Daemons

Barry's imposing Warriors of Chaos battling Cheekie2's Skaven.

Robin's Tomb Kings suffer a defeat to Peter's Lizard Men

A three way battle between the forces of Middle Earth

The Easterlings hold off a charge from the Free Peoples Cavalry.

A Scene from one of the battle at Warborne. Tauriel and her Mirkwood Rangers take position on Weathertop awaiting the Easterlings assault

Fran's awesome model painted by Neil

Andy's Imposing Warmachine

Barry's Chaos Lord

This is a very nicely painted model by Chopper. His High Elf army took him all the way through to the final of the 2013 Fantasy Tournament

Paul's very impressive Necron War Machine.

The Lizardmen marched to victory with the Carnosaur leading the charge. The High Elves were relying on Magic, but some low casting rolls and solid Lizadmen dispelling, the Elves could do nothing but flee from the Carnosaur's snapping jaws. Well done to Mike who won the General's shield!

Chopper's 3rd place model in the GW Poole model and base competition, March 2014